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IPad Siri


iPF Noob
Feb 1, 2012
Reaction score
Wouldn't it be great if the new Siri on the iPhone was available as an app for the iPad? I have looked for similar and not found anything..

Anyone had the same thought..? Found anything at all..?
HowBoutThemPack said:
Lol, how do you think FaceTime works?!

Sent from my jailbroken iPad2 using iPF

True, but there is no FaceTime on the original iPad as there is no camera.

The Archangel
RitaH said:
Wouldn't it be great if the new Siri on the iPhone was available as an app for the iPad? I have looked for similar and not found anything..

Anyone had the same thought..? Found anything at all..?

I have! What is the answer? Is there something special about Siri that is not compatible with iPad?
There's a Cnet article dated 02/04/12 that implies that there is an aspect of the A5 chip that is required for the Siri technology to work on the iPhone and the iPad. The A5 in the 4S has an integrated noise reduction technology (EarSmart) licensed from a startup called Audience.

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