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iPad Pics won't upload to websites.


iPF Noob
Nov 6, 2013
Reaction score
Leicestershire United Kingdom
Hi there everyone,my mini iPad won't let me upload pics to a website,,autotrader,mainly,message say flash not supported,please use a laptop ect,,,any ideas,would be so easy to take a pic with my iPad,then do the add and sent the pics without all the messing around,regards everett,ps I downloaded puffin last night ,,didn't help,,,
If you have not doen so, check the App Store to see if they have an app.

If the site is using some non-standard Flash method of uploading photos, it's unlikely anything will work. Puffin was your best bet.

If you want to take a chance and spend a bit more money, the iCab Mobile browser goes about uploads a bit different than most other iPad browsers, allowing the uploading of files other than photos. It's possible it might work; but as I said, unlikely.

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