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Ipad os update


iPF Noob
Jun 8, 2010
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Hi i have just got my Ipad 16GB wifi in the uk and i was wondering does anyone know when apple are going to start rolling out the new os 4.0

also i am loving the Ipad but was wondering what sort of things i can try on it all replys will be great

Apple just states Fall of 2010.. iOS 4 will be released to iphone on Jun 21 though
Cool where did u get that information from and do u have an ipad
Steve Jobs has stated the Fall ios4 release for iPad in one of his conferences a while back. I would be happy if they released the wifi patch already... I don't want to wait for ios4 just to get the iPad wifi problems fixed.
Cool where did u get that information from and do u have an ipad
Steve Jobs has stated the Fall ios4 release for iPad in one of his conferences a while back. I would be happy if they released the wifi patch already... I don't want to wait for ios4 just to get the iPad wifi problems fixed.

So what are the issues with the wifi version as I have just got one ...:(:(
I'm getting the mysterious blinking wifi icon on mine. Happens about every minute or so.
Yup....Steve Jobs said it. BUT WHERE DID HE SAY IT LILMAN??? lol
Geez, if you want the source so bad, Google it yourself.

Apple iPhone 4.0 Event Coverage - A new chapter in the iPhone OS update saga is about to be written - Softpedia

Wow, that took 2 seconds to find. For future reference, when you ask someone for a favor, keep your capslock off...

It was a joke.....sarcasm 101 ;) .
Oops, didn't notice you were the one asking me for the source in all caps... thought it was the op (which would have been a jerk move). Tee-hee :p
Cool where did u get that information from and do u have an ipad
Steve Jobs has stated the Fall ios4 release for iPad in one of his conferences a while back. I would be happy if they released the wifi patch already... I don't want to wait for ios4 just to get the iPad wifi problems fixed.

So what are the issues with the wifi version as I have just got one ...:(:(
I think different people are having different issues depending on the wifi network they're on. For me, I use my iPad at home with a static ip and wpa2 and the wifi disconnects every 20 mins or so. I have to go to the Settings app and manually select my wifi network to reconnect (even though I have auto join known networks turned on). There have also been reports of losing dhcp leases for iPads used in universities. Apple is aware of these issues and is working on a patch... last I heard it was supposed to come out soon, but who knows.

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