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iPad Mini Cases and Parts Surface


iPadForums News Team
Jun 7, 2010
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AppleInsider reports today that iPad mini cases and parts have started appearing on the web. Of course their authenticity has not been confirmed by Apple, but it’s a good bet that most of them are legit, this close to launch. The cases were bought by Australian blog, Product Feedback, who then posted the video that you can see above, on YouTube. The cases come from Cygnett, and are currently onsale in Australian stores, by the sound of it. It’s a really nice video, showing the case off really well. In another post , AppleInsider also reports that iPad mini headphone jacks, or parts stated to be such, have also appeared online, via Nowhereelse.fr, along with flex cables. The headphone jack comes in black and white. AppleInsider also notes that other leaked parts point to the fact that the iPad mini could have a smaller bezel on the sides, to make it easier to hold in one hand.

Source: 'iPad mini' cases made by Cygnett allegedly for sale in Australia
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iPad Mini Portfolio Case $39.99

iPad Mini Portfolio Case is available for pre-order today at iGearUnlimited.com - $39.99

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