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iPad locking up


iPF Noob
Feb 23, 2010
Reaction score
Has anybody else experienced the iPad locking up while viewing a movie? Mine has twice....
oh no, that's not good. Was it with different movies?
I've watched a couple of shows on netflix w no issues...haven't done any iTunes video content yet
Yep, mine is locking up with iTunes tv shows. Restarting the video resolves it but it happens ever 3 minutes or so. I have a bunch of downloads going so it could be that.
I've had to restart mine about 4 times. Once watching abc app, another time watching a video on CNN. Another on the MMOD app. Each time I had to force power off and restart.
I've had to restart mine about 4 times. Once watching abc app, another time watching a video on CNN. Another on the MMOD app. Each time I had to force power off and restart.

I had the abc app lock up on me, but all has been good since a restart
My iPad continues to lockup at varies times, in apps, YouTube, Netflix
Mine locked up whilst working with e-mail.

Also, Wouldn't send mail. POP and smtp were correctly entered. Called tech support. Deleted account info and reentered. Now sending mail with no problems.
I guess they should have used Flash after all.

(Sorry, couldn't resist)
Video Lock-Up

I've only tried to watch one Netflix video; locked up about 30 min. into it. I'll try another one, see what happens. Only had the iPad for a few days, so I'd imagine I can return it. But from the forums and posts, this seems to be a fairly common problem...

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