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iPad GPS


iPF Noob
Jun 12, 2010
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First off, if this is in the wrong area, I'm sorry. My company 1500+ employees has decided to move the the iPad 3g and Wireless units as laptop replacements and I had a couple questions.

1) Is there an app that can be loaded to track the location of an iPad (in case it gets stolen)...maybe run in the background so it doesn't have an icon and therefore be deleted. If not, just an app even with an icon. Someone mentioned Mobile Me but I'm not sure if that's one that meets my needs.

2) Does Print Central really allow you print to any device on your network, wifi or if you are connected via Citrix?

3) Is there a device similar to the Verizon mobile hotspot (accessory, MIFI 2200) that would open a wifi hotspot (monthly subscription i'm sure). My boss mentioned NovaTel MiFI 2372 but I was told specifically by the Apple Store that no such device exists short of Jailbreaking and since it will be enterprise devices, jailbreaking isnt even an option.

Thanks and apologies again if this is in the wrong area.
1) Is there an app that can be loaded to track the location of an iPad (in case it gets stolen)

2) Does Print Central really allow you print to any device on your network, wifi or if you are connected via Citrix?

3) Is there a device similar to the Verizon mobile hotspot (accessory, MIFI 2200) that would open a wifi hotspot

1) MobileMe from Apple gives you remote storage and the ability to do remote wipes, and there's no indicator on the machine itself.

2) No ideas, sorry.

3) The apple store staff seem misinformed. Any MI-fi type device creates a wifi hotspot, and the iPad can connect to it like any other hotspot - it doesn't matter about the cellular carrier.

Ditto. I am sure there are other ways of tracking, but I am not positive. AT&T may have a way for large companies.
Thanks for the quick replies guys, i really do appreciate it. I did find the stolen tracker app, it's called GPS Tracker. You have to load it on your computer as well.
I print using Print Central...you have to be connected on the same WiFi network, and you have to have We Print installed on the print server.

I don't have any authentication outside of the SSID/PW to get onto my wireless (meaning I'm not on a network where the computers need to log in as individual accounts if that makes sense, as if you were in a business) so not sure if that would affect it. In other words, if all of your employees have their own accounts and log in etc etc not sure if it would still work.

I can vouch 100% that it works no problem over a simple home wireless network though.
One issue you might have, and I'm not 100% sure...but iTunes only let's you run 5 computers to the same account. So unless 1500 employees are all syncing their stuff through 5 computers you might run into issues..unless Apple will offer you some other corporate solution.

If not, I'd had to be your IT guys that have to sync 1500 iPads through 5 computers.
First off, if this is in the wrong area, I'm sorry. My company 1500+ employees has decided to move the the iPad 3g and Wireless units as laptop replacements and I had a couple questions.

1) Is there an app that can be loaded to track the location of an iPad (in case it gets stolen)...maybe run in the background so it doesn't have an icon and therefore be deleted. If not, just an app even with an icon. Someone mentioned Mobile Me but I'm not sure if that's one that meets my needs.

2) Does Print Central really allow you print to any device on your network, wifi or if you are connected via Citrix?

3) Is there a device similar to the Verizon mobile hotspot (accessory, MIFI 2200) that would open a wifi hotspot (monthly subscription i'm sure). My boss mentioned NovaTel MiFI 2372 but I was told specifically by the Apple Store that no such device exists short of Jailbreaking and since it will be enterprise devices, jailbreaking isnt even an option.

Thanks and apologies again if this is in the wrong area.

Cool beans!! I would suggest contacting Apple corporate sales and advise them of your plans. I know that they have special plans for bulk consumers of their products and would be ecstatic to satisfy your request(s).

As far as tracking iPhones and iPad devices, MobileMe is a consumer grade product that will handle that. This would be impossible to configure for 1500+ units. Likewise, setting these up and preloading with whatever software you might need would quickly turn into an impossible task.

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