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iPad Apps for a Paralegal Student


iPF Noob
Hello friends. I am a paralegal student is half way through his B.S. Paralegal degree program. I just got the newest iPad about 10-12 days ago. I haven't purchased any paid apps yet. I have specific funds set aside for making college related app purchases. Can anybody recommend, personally recommend, apps for a Paralegal student?

I know I will probably purchase the Minnesota Statutes app, as that is the state that I live in.
But what else? I look forward to your suggestions.


EDIT: So I guess I'm the only one in college or at least the only Paralegal student or law student?
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Hi there--maybe narrow down specifically what you are looking for as there are just about a gazillion apps out there.

What are you looking for? I am not familiar with all your responsibilities are as you wouldn't for my profession as a Physical Therapist.

If you can narrow down the focus, we can help you a better.


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I agree with Skimonkey, in order to give advice we need to know what you want to to with your iPad.

reading - get iBooks
presentations - get keynote
writing - get pages or iWriter or ..
something with numbers - get numbers
a lot with pdfs - get goodreader or iAnnotate or PDF provider

So please be a bit mor specific.

I don't know how to be more specific, I am looking for apps that Paralegals or lawyers would use. Apps to look up statutes, case law, court decisions, a legal dictionary.... apps for real estate law, criminal law, litigation....
Hi again,

I understand.
But then I am off and out. I have no specific knowledge about what and how and where and why paralegals or lawyers do what they do.


I don't know how to be more specific, I am looking for apps that Paralegals or lawyers would use. Apps to look up statutes, case law, court decisions, a legal dictionary.... apps for real estate law, criminal law, litigation....

Have you searched the app store and used these exact terms? Maybe ask some of your colleagues at work and/or your professors. They may have recommendations that they could offer to you.

That may be your best option for you.

Sorry, that's the best I can do for you having the information you have given. Good luck with your search.
FrustratedRage said:
I don't know how to be more specific, I am looking for apps that Paralegals or lawyers would use. Apps to look up statutes, case law, court decisions, a legal dictionary.... apps for real estate law, criminal law, litigation....

A lot of states have PDFs available of their law books that are searchable. If that's the case in your state the main thing you need is a good PDF reader that supports searching.

As suggested, your best bet is to search the app store using terms that apply to what types of apps you're looking for, however.
Heya guys

Debut as well. I'm a practising attorney. An app that I find particularly useful is DOCUMENTS and it's FREE. Affords me access to templates of various legal and other professional documents. Give it a try

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