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iPad addiction

King Hal

iPF Noob
Jun 6, 2010
Reaction score
My wife and I seem to have become addicted to our iPads. Is there a help group we can go to? How about a new group in the forum called IAA, iPad Addicts Anonymous?

I've definitely got it bad. My addictive personality, and this magical device... Well you know how it goes. It's ok tho, keeps me out of trouble. My lil angel doesn't mind either, when she's busy she would much rather me be at home with Lily on the weekends than out mingling at the local pub.
My wife and I seem to have become addicted to our iPads. Is there a help group we can go to? How about a new group in the forum called IAA, iPad Addicts Anonymous?



That would be appropriate since an app is a .ipa file!

I just bought my gf an iPad yesterday so now im guessing she will be using it a lot now :)
I can relate on this one. It's the first thing I touch when I wake up and the last thing before I go to bed.hahaha
I am definitely addicted but there are worse addictions to be had....so I am a PROUD iPad addict.
I'm in!

Been recuperating at home since my neck operation and the iPad is the only thing that keeps me connected to the rest of the world.

Guess I'll be cured once I get back to work. :D

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