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Ipad 2


iPF Noob
Nov 22, 2011
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Anyone else seeing a bigger drain on the battery? Seems like it had the opposite effect of what it was supposed to accomplish ......mine goes from a full charge down to half in about 2 hours... Never did this before I updated....
Been a couple reports from other members with the same problem after taking the 5.1 update
Redneck_Randy said:
Been a couple reports from other members with the same problem after taking the 5.1 update

And the bizarre thing is...it's takes longer to charge now!
ajcamlet said:
Anyone else seeing a bigger drain on the battery? Seems like it had the opposite effect of what it was supposed to accomplish ......mine goes from a full charge down to half in about 2 hours... Never did this before I updated....

I'm seeing quite the opposite.I have longer battery life since the upgrade.
I think that there is different variations in battery life it seems like, from product to product

Ordering an extended battery can really help
I've not noticed battery diffs since upgrading.

Possibility: Maybe your battery indicator is acting up. Apple recommends draining iPad once a month to keep the indicator accurate.
Anyone else seeing a bigger drain on the battery? Seems like it had the opposite effect of what it was supposed to accomplish ......mine goes from a full charge down to half in about 2 hours... Never did this before I updated....

Hello and welcome to the forum! :)

Not sure if this suggestion will help but review Apple's discussion on Battery Management HERE - at the bottom the recommendation is made to take the battery through a full discharge cycle about once a month to 'recalibrate' battery monitoring - good luck and please post back if you give this a try - might help others?

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