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ipad 2 spyware and tracking


iPF Noob
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score
salem oregon
I received an iPad 2 from work as a gift that was designed for personal and work use. If I leave the job, I keep the ipad. I do not trust my employers at all. They have used some aggressive, amoral, and illegal tactics against past employees. How do I find out if there is spyware or tracking on my ipad and how do I get rid of it?
Well, there is tracking on it right off the bat, in the form of "find my iPhone". If that is turned on your whereabouts can be seen.

Right now I'm a 1000 miles from my son and I can see his iPod right on the screen of my phone.

Will this program survive a reset? I don't know. But I bet someone does.

Sent from my iPad 4 HD mini

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