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email question sorry if repeat


iPF Noob
Jun 29, 2010
Reaction score
Grand Blanc, MI
I don't have my ipad yet but I will be getting it soon through my employer. One of my fellow employee asked me the other day how to underline text in her email on her ipad. I have a MacBook and just assumed that command U would underline text like it does in my regular email. It does not work. So is there a way in the mail program on ipad to underline and bold text or do I have to compose in another app and then copy and paste?
In Mail, there doesn't appear to be a provision for that. command-u does nothing. I also tried HelvetiNote which has an email capability, but it also doesn't support styles of any sort. Notepad. the same way. Even making some text with underscore in Pages and then copying it to a new email fails to retain that style.

Never noticed that before. I can't even bold or italic. Hope that's a forthcoming feature. Even iOS 4 on my iPhone 3gs doesn't do it anywhere... :(

a purist would say that email is supposed to be pure text, and that HTML emails are an abomination... send a Word Doc attachment if you need formatted text... next thing we'll see is HTML SMS... :)

(but I didnt say the above... I do dislike html emails though...)
i found one app named Color mail, which solved this mail format problem. bold/font/italic/color... common format all available. but now it's only for iphone, no version for Ipad yet. App Store - Color Mail

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