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iPad 2 or iPad 3? Please help!


iPF Noob
Dec 28, 2011
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Hey everybody! I'm new to the forum, and I am getting money towards an iPad for the Spring Festival. For awhile, I was set on getting the iPad 2...... until I read that the iPad 3 would be released sometime in early 2012. The one thing about the iPad 2 that is "so so" for me is the camera quality. For those of you who have the iPad 2 and have used the camera, how poor is the quality? I have tested it at the store, but want to know what users who have used it for a longer period of time think. I will frequently be using facetime to videochat with family, so the quality is sort of important to me.

Overall, do you think I should wait for the iPad 3? Or just go ahead and get the iPad 2 now?

Thanks, I am looking forward to this forum!
FaceTime quality is good, I've found. Photo-quality otherwise -- as in taking photos, which it wasn't designed for -- it's a nonstarter, but I wouldn't want to take photos with it anyway, unless I was trying to take a grainy, blurry photo for some reason, lol.
Oh, you might be interested in this for FaceTime quality: Skype Vs Facetime From Pcmag Com

Note that this is on iPod touch / iPhone, not iPad. But in case you wanted to compare Skype vs. FaceTime. YMMV, of course.
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