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IP3 or mac air book ?


iPF Noob
Feb 23, 2012
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What should I do. Keep my trusty ip2 and go for a small Mac air book or keep my ip2 and get the ip3. The give and take of it all seems more involved than I claim to be able to figure out. I am new to using these devices on a daily basis and only emailed once in a while when the need arose on my wife's big Mac. Now I am hooked on it all and Apple is in my opinion "the best". ( a big salute to the late Steve Jobs ).
There is no FaceTime and iMessage and cameras on the air book I understand. , correct?
What would be best for a beginner like myself. I would like to have what would serve longer into the next couple of years. There is always ipad4 I guess.
The ip3 is very tempting and I do not knw what to do. The 4 or 5 hundred dollar difference is not my concern wright now.
First of all, wait to make your final discission until the iPad 3 is actually out. If you have a 2, you might now be interested in the 3 if there aren't many changes. I would honestly go with the MBA. Its more productive and can do far more than an iPad. You already have an iPad 2 and the MBA would be a great computer to go along with it.
Just to be clear the MacBook Air does indeed have a webcam, FaceTime and iMessage has just been released as a beta and works just great (I tried it out a couple of days ago).

I love my MBA but still use my iPad 90% of the time......I guess it just depends on what your main uses for it are.

The Archangel
All perfectly helpfull points to keep in mind. I do however realize the iPad series is not a full on computer system nor a replacement for one ,but thanks. Definitely an important fact to bring out !
FaceTime and iMessage on the air book ? Great
I love my ip2. Like anything else,you start with this and then want to step up. It makes sense to wait for ip3 but will I want two iPads? I think not so the best thing might be to satisfy myself would be to sell my mint cond ipad2 and own the ipad3 and an air book.
This should be my biggest dilemma in life. Lol. Thank you all for the great replies/ info
I have also recently noticed by putting my iPad in a gumdrop - drop series rubber case and screen protector that it is as the day I opened it up. I hope this case is being produced for iPad 3 because it is the best $59. I ever spent. I would bet the military will be using something similar.
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Slimseven said:
All perfectly helpfull points to keep in mind. I do however realize the iPad series is not a full on computer system nor a replacement for one ,but thanks. Definitely an important fact to bring out !
FaceTime and iMessage on the air book ? Great
I love my ip2. Like anything else,you start with this and then want to step up. It makes sense to wait for ip3 but will I want two iPads? I think not so the best thing might be to satisfy myself would be to sell my mint cond ipad2 and own the ipad3 and an air book.
This should be my biggest dilemma in life. Lol. Thank you all for the great replies/ info
I have also recently noticed by putting my iPad in a gumdrop - drop series rubber case and screen protector that it is as the day I opened it up. I hope this case is being produced for iPad 3 because it is the best $59. I ever spent. I would bet the military will be using something similar.

A MacBook Air and an iPad 3 sounds like a great combination.

I still have my iPad 1 along with my iPad 2 and my old white MacBook alongside my MacBook Air. I have a theory and it goes like this, Apple kit is normally pretty good looking so I find other uses for my old kit.......my white MacBook is waiting to be set up as a media server and my iPad 1 a pretty snazzy controller for all that media. Along with my Apple TV (sitting under the TV in the bedroom but waiting to be joined by the next Apple TV in the lounge) its a pretty snazzy set up (or will be once my MacBook is set up. Recycling at it best and even the older bits of kit look modern and work really well.

The Archangel

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