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iOS 4.3.1 Coming In the Next Two Weeks?


iPadForums News Team

Boy Genius Report says that it has received word that iOS 4.3.1 is on its way soon, and that it will consist mainly of bug fixes and a security fix. According to BGR, these will include baseband updates for the original iPad and the 3GS; a fix for the memory hang that corrupts memory when reading large files from USIM filesystem; a fix for the NTLM authentication issue in apps and on the web; a fix for a problem that was causing Springboard and 3rd party apps to not recognise the iPad 2’s gyroscope; and a fix for the iPad 2 jailbreak vulnerability. BGR doesn’t mention if this last item is a fix for the recent iOS 4.3 security hole discovered at a hacking contest which was reported to Apple by the hacker, but I’m guessing it probably is. Also no word on whether or not the Verizon Wireless iPhone 4 will be getting this update, as it skipped iOS 4.3.

Source: Apple iOS 4.3.1 coming within one to two weeks? | BGR

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