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Internet on ipad

Will the ipad have the same internet capability as my laptop for example?

Will I be able to browse the net just as I would with any pc?

Does anybody know?

Many thanks.
Will the ipad have the same internet capability as my laptop for example?

Will I be able to browse the net just as I would with any pc?

Does anybody know?

Many thanks.
If you haven't watched the keynote yet, you have missed your answer in a big way.

The iPad is one of the best internet machines ever!!!(except for Flash elements)

You can download the keynote from iTunes. I suggest you do that... now!:p
I'm assuming the experience will be similar to my iPod touch. Just with a bigger screen of course. If that's the case then, yes, other than flash the Internet experience should be indistinguishable from a regular computer.
yeah there are a few differences to iPod Touch and a desktop.

No Flash (not really a problem)
some sites come up as mobile (damn google sites just started coming up mobile instead of reg in the latest SDK....they better fix that or im gonna be pissed!)
most sites (that aren't google) will be exactly as your desktop displays them
and the coolest part.
h.264 videos embeded in a site will play on the page! So a lot of sites that have already been using h.264 with flash as it's shell are going to just forsake the flash part. You can just natively embed the videos and they play wonderfully in browser!
can't wait till hulu finally gets on it!
I mean...I love the iPad. And I know HTML5 is on it's way and everything, but I just don't think you can brush away Flash. I mean, we got YouTube and a lot of sites have apps but it can kind of ruin a browsing experience. I mean, think of your favorite news site - does it show videos? I bet it's Flash.

It would be just so cool if the iPad wasn't so scared of the '.swf' - flash games/animations on the iPad! :) That would be cool. :ipad-front:
It would be just so cool if the iPad wasn't so scared of the '.swf' - flash games/animations on the iPad! :) That would be cool. :ipad-front:

I don't think anyone's "scared" of Flash, it's just that Flash has become outdated. There are a number of problems with it if you're designing websites. For example, if you embed info in your lovely Flash page, it's invisible to search engines. It's not uniformly supported (see Apple among others, along with getting Flash to work and play well with open source) so get ready to do all your work twice--one "noflash" page and one with, effectively doubling your workload and the time needed to implement your project. It screws with the usability of the webpage--want to go "back"? Oops! Flash disabled the "back" button. Want to highlight some text, say a contact email? Oops! Can't.

The best page design is one that works cross-platform and doesn't require the visitor to install this and upgrade that just to see your page. Most people won't go through the bother, they'll just find someone who designed their page correctly in the first place rather than jump through your hoops. Flash is going away. 'bout time.
I think this will be the perfect Internet Browser. Initially the lack of flash does hurt the "browsing experience" somewhat, but after time and with sites adopting the HTML5 standards it should improve dramatically.
Well, flash is a proprietary framework that really does slow things down. I can't remember the last time I watched a flash movie without it freezing the video part way thru and having to catch up.

As for HTML5, it's not really a video format or a shell format it is a web standard...the most current web standard. The iPad will be able to view any h.264 video that is embedded in the browser. I checked my site and it played wonderfully right on the site.

Most flash video sites are using H.264 but delivering thru a flash player. With HTML5 you are just presenting the video by way of embedding as has always been done. iWeb is already compliant, so if you made your site using it any videos already work. The only thing that is needed is the codec to play it...on Apple systems (mac and mobile) its already there...on windows it needs to be installed (what else is new) on android it just doesn't work.

Apple is trying to actually use a standard rather than a proprietary plugin and people jump down their throats...lol, it's funny. If adobe made an all flash OS that didn't support web standards people would be pissed about that as well!
I guess the point of my original post was I surf the Internet constantly on my iPod touch (like now) and I haven't felt my experience diminished on any level. So if I get the same experience or better on the ipad, I'm a happy guy.
Apple is trying to actually use a standard rather than a proprietary plugin and people jump down their throats...lol, it's funny. If adobe made an all flash OS that didn't support web standards people would be pissed about that as well!

Amen! I wish plugins would just go away; it'd make using my Open Source desktop a lot easier! And you're right: use proprietary code and people get cranked; don't use it and people get cranked. It's the Kobayashi Maru of coding and I'm happy to see Apple opting for standardized code.

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