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iCloud help


iPF Noob
Jul 21, 2011
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So I am trying to download and set up iCloud on my computer so it can do the whole wireless syncing but when the iCloud window pops up on my PC and I punch in my apple ID it then stops and says can not log on due to system error. I've tried everything I can think of to figure out either what is wrong or how to fix it. Does anyone have any ideas or had this happen to them? Thanks!
I've moved this to the Help section, where I think it will receive better attention.

I hope this is OK...

What are you trying to download and install on your computer?

Wireless syncing is done with itunes, which you should already have.

Icloud backup can be done direct from the ipad and doesn't require a Pc.

Are you trying to download the icloud control panel? This is not a requirement, and the only thing I know of that you need it for is for syncing to outlook.
Yeah that's what I am trying to download. Is it beneficial?
Unless you need to sync to outlook. No it's probably not worth it. What exactly are you trying to achieve?
Having my iPad back up pictures contacts everything to my computer

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