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how to upload notes and docs to Pc from Dropbox on Ipad 3?


iPF Noob
Mar 5, 2012
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Chicago NW Suburbs
Is it even possible to do this? I use Ido notepad for notes and also Evernote. Ido Notepad has an "open" in for Dropbox, but can't seem to figure out how to sync the notes to Dropbox on my PC. Evernote doesn't even have a Dropbox option. Is there a way to send notes from Ipad to PC using Dropbox?
Both DropBox and Evernote have PC applications. Download and use them to sync your stuff to the PC. Once you set them up it's automatic.
[FONT=&amp]I agree with meep. Notebook is a comparatively larger machine, while the ipad is just like a notepad. Notebook has no touch screen, ipad has. Ipad is awesome, notebook is not. Please visit the site which i mention below. Hope you will happy with answer.[/FONT] Majorspot - Ghostwriter Notes | iPad handwriting | iPad note taking | iPad notepad A notebook can run desktop software. A notebook has USB and now Thunderbolt ports. A notebook has a larger screen. A notebook can multitask. A notebook has a better keyboard (if you buy an external keyboard for an iPad, now all you've got is a very expensive, limited, and awkward notebook). And any more, notebooks aren't all that much bigger. I've got an 11" MacBook Air and it is only slightly bigger in dimensions and weight to an iPad. Being able to transfer data on a USB thumb drive, or plug a camera in, or Bluetooth data, or share data on a wireless network, or use an external or remote DVD drive, or not care if a website has Flash are few of the things that make it blow away the iPad in terms of capabilities. You can't do anything on the iPad without plugging it in.
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