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How to make a Pogo stylus clone

My original intention was to make one and see if I liked it, then buy a pogo, but it works so well I don't need to.

Sure Pogos aren't expensive but I bet most people think "Hmm... will I even like it and use it?" This is a way to find out for cheap and quick not having to wait for shipping and buying something you may not like.

Also maybe for some people like me who are electronic hobbyists (www.starfiregraphics.net) they already have the foam around, just have to have a piece large enough like the size of a bic pen but a bit larger.

Also there are different density foams, so you can try out other types and see how they work, and you can always replace the tip after a lot of use!
My original intention was to make one and see if I liked it, then buy a pogo, but it works so well I don't need to.

Sure Pogos aren't expensive but I bet most people think "Hmm... will I even like it and use it?" This is a way to find out for cheap and quick not having to wait for shipping and buying something you may not like.

Also maybe for some people like me who are electronic hobbyists (www.starfiregraphics.net) they already have the foam around, just have to have a piece large enough like the size of a bic pen but a bit larger.

Also there are different density foams, so you can try out other types and see how they work, and you can always replace the tip after a lot of use!
Can you make one with a very thin tip and see if it works?
My original intention was to make one and see if I liked it, then buy a pogo, but it works so well I don't need to.

Sure Pogos aren't expensive but I bet most people think "Hmm... will I even like it and use it?" This is a way to find out for cheap and quick not having to wait for shipping and buying something you may not like.

Also maybe for some people like me who are electronic hobbyists (www.starfiregraphics.net) they already have the foam around, just have to have a piece large enough like the size of a bic pen but a bit larger.

Also there are different density foams, so you can try out other types and see how they work, and you can always replace the tip after a lot of use!
Can you make one with a very thin tip and see if it works?

Really the foam is to soft for a thin tip, it'll just squish down when you used it.
But more fun to build own and save few buck at same time. That why be better. :D

for something worth big buck, i totally agree with you everyone have his own choice and taste right ??, like my carbon fiber case i spend lot of time for do one but for stylus cost less than 10 i don’t think i need to spend 3 hours (of course is my point of view)

He not spend 3 hour like you say. I watch a he video with my time clock. He make a pogo stylus less then 2 Minutes (not hours like you say) and he do this real cheap. He make nice pogo stylus I bet he sell for $5 if he wants.
I found me some foam like he, and I going to make pogo stylus like he but I think it take me 3 minutes because he better pogo stylus maker then me.. I like his post because he teach me something good to have :p

Am I the only one that was LMAO at CaptKirk's responses? That's damn funny right there! :D
for something worth big buck, i totally agree with you everyone have his own choice and taste right ??, like my carbon fiber case i spend lot of time for do one but for stylus cost less than 10 i don’t think i need to spend 3 hours (of course is my point of view)

He not spend 3 hour like you say. I watch a he video with my time clock. He make a pogo stylus less then 2 Minutes (not hours like you say) and he do this real cheap. He make nice pogo stylus I bet he sell for $5 if he wants.
I found me some foam like he, and I going to make pogo stylus like he but I think it take me 3 minutes because he better pogo stylus maker then me.. I like his post because he teach me something good to have :p

Am I the only one that was LMAO at CaptKirk's responses? That's damn funny right there! :D

Nope you arent the only one:D I wasnt gonna say anything because im too PC and making fun of other people isnt nice :o
Hi Starfire

That was an incredibly informative video!

Are there any other materials that we can use that are conductive?

Styrofoam, sponge and rubber are definitely out of the equation.

Just wondering if there are any conductive materials that are readily available around the home which we can make into a pogo stylus.
My original intention was to make one and see if I liked it, then buy a pogo, but it works so well I don't need to.

Sure Pogos aren't expensive but I bet most people think "Hmm... will I even like it and use it?" This is a way to find out for cheap and quick not having to wait for shipping and buying something you may not like.

Also maybe for some people like me who are electronic hobbyists (www.starfiregraphics.net) they already have the foam around, just have to have a piece large enough like the size of a bic pen but a bit larger.

Also there are different density foams, so you can try out other types and see how they work, and you can always replace the tip after a lot of use!
I really want a stylus, and thought this looked like a great idea. Still do, however, I went to my Radio Shack and tried to buy an IC chip so I could get the foam. Cheapest chip that had the foam was $8, and I'm not sure the foam on that one was big enough. The less expensive chips didn't have the foam. The foam that looked better was on a much more expensive chip. If you have the foam already, this looks like a great idea. If you have to buy the chip, to throw away, to get the foam, might as well buy the Pogo.

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