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How "green" is the iPad?


iPF Noob
Jul 16, 2010
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I've been much more environmentally conscious about my tech purchases in the last few years, and my iPad had me wondering this....

This was the article that sparked the question in my mind:
How Green is the iPad? | Pushing Green

So, what do you all think? Green or no? The point about the enormity/resource intensiveness is fairly daunting....
Using any computer is not "green". Gadgets are the worst. The amount of energy used to manufacture millions of new gadgets, replacing your gadget with the latest gadget every year when your current gadget still works, all these things are wasteful byproducts of a wealthy society. On the other hand, if you replaced a failed desktop with an iPad, that might be a step for the better.

The data center issue they raise is slowly being addressed. Many hardware manufacturers are making devices that use less power. Hard drives are becoming more efficient, servers are running on less. There is a lot of incentive for this to continue. More efficient equipment is cheaper to operate (lower electric bills), it takes up less space, you need less batter backup, and cooling demands are less. Virtualization is allowing companies to combine servers onto a single piece of hardware and actually shut down servers, or power them on only when demand is high.
mine is black and gray. I suppose i could get one of them green candy cases, then i could say i went 'green' :p :D O.K.. I'll put the wise cracking away , apple claims they strive to be environmently friendly, everything including the battery is environmentally recyclable... see their attached article.

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Its an Ipad....who cares!! Its not like the landfills are going to end up full of them.

The Lithium batteries are the worst. Thats why I think all the hype about electric care are green....Bullcrap!!!
Its an Ipad....who cares!! Its not like the landfills are going to end up full of them.

The Lithium batteries are the worst. Thats why I think all the hype about electric care are green....Bullcrap!!!

Lithium batteries and most batteriies are recyclable if disposed correctly. Even the big acid batteries in electric cars. Several months ago I attended a tour sponsored, by local chamber, of our counties landfill. I was pretty impressed with the operation. They recycle everything, it's amazing. We were also shown a demonstration where a gas engine was running of fumes of smoldering compost. They gave an explanation how this worked, and like usual I wasn't paying attention. I have no idea how this happens but whatever it is,, it's magic.... Maybe someone here can ping in and explain why or how this happens. :confused::confused:
I've been much more environmentally conscious about my tech purchases in the last few years, and my iPad had me wondering this....

This was the article that sparked the question in my mind:
How Green is the iPad? | Pushing Green

So, what do you all think? Green or no? The point about the enormity/resource intensiveness is fairly daunting....

It looks silver and black to me.

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