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HELP!!!! Is my iPad ruined?


iPF Noob
Mar 25, 2010
Reaction score
Atlanta Metro
Ok, so I am on a business trip.
Used my iPad today in meetings which was awesome.
Put it in my backpack when done with meetings, went back to hotel.

iPad was working perfect all day. When I got back to hotel, I plugged it in and went out to dinner. Just got back from dinner and turned it on! Screen is all messed up. I did not drop it or bump it or anything like that.

Looks like 1/3 of the screen is shot. When it starts up it is black, and as it warms up you will see the different colors.

Has anyone scene anything like this? Unfortunately I will not be by an Apple store until this weekend.

Question, obviously, I would think they would replace it...however, with the demand, will I have to wait a couple weeks for a replacement? Or do the Apple stores keep these instock for replacements? It is a 32GB 3G.

This is the first issue I have ever had with an Apple product.

Any thoughts???


Was it working fine when you plugged it in a left it to charge?

Sadly enough it looks like the screen tossed in the towel, but I would still
give a full restore a shot.
Was it working fine when you plugged it in a left it to charge?

Sadly enough it looks like the screen tossed in the towel, but I would still
give a full restore a shot.

Yes...was working perfect when I plugged it in. Came back from dinner...turned it on and my jaw dropped! Wish I were home so I could just bring to Apple Store in the morning.

I am on my work PC, and my iPad is synced with the Mac at home...So I guess I will have wait till I get home to do the full restore.

Will Apple store just swap it out? Or do they order me a new one? I will be going through iPad withdrawl if thats the case!
Probably will swap you one out, supposedly they keep some in the store for this situation even when sold out.
Looks like either the screen edge connector has gone loose or the video driver hardware has failed. Either way, you'll get a full swap.

Fear not, Apple does a great job taking care of situations like this. Ask for a discount on a Bluetooth keyboard or some other accessory for your troubles. You may be pleasantly surprised how far backwards they may willing to bend. Remind them you were in the middle of a business trip when the screen failed. :)

Looks like either the screen edge connector has gone loose or the video driver hardware has failed. Either way, you'll get a full swap.

Fear not, Apple does a great job taking care of situations like this. Ask for a discount on a Bluetooth keyboard or some other accessory for your troubles. You may be pleasantly surprised how far backwards they may willing to bend. Remind them you were in the middle of a business trip when the screen failed. :)


Thanks for the response!

I had a long drive home today...drove through Jacksonville, FL.
Decided to stop by the Apple store there, as it was right off of I-95 and not wait till I got to Atlanta.

Walked in with iPad...Genius looked at it, told me I would not leave the store unhappy and they would take care of me.

He made sure I synced recently and then did a restore on his Mac...didn't fix it. He walked in the back, came out with a brown box (not a new iPad box), broke the seal and took out a new one. (So they do stock the replacements!)

Popped out my sim card, put it in the new one, made sure it worked and had me sign a piece of paper.

So, in and out in 15 minutes! With a replacement! I had no receipt, no box, etc, etc since I was traveling. They said no problem!

I was very pleased with the customer service! They made me top priority and the Genius put me ahead of all other appointments.

By the way, about 5 or 6 employees at the Apple store looked at it, and none of them had seen this issue before!

So, I have a new iPad and the withdrawl is over! :D

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