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iPF Noob
Feb 23, 2010
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Hi, im windex.

I can't wait for the ipad. i have never really wanted a particular gadget so bad. Not becuase it is new, but because of all the things i can use it for and WILL use it for.

it will become my day planner. I don't care about all the complaints people seem to have for it, i don't need a usb port, i don't need a webcam, and i don't need to to multitask.

so it is perfect for me.
Hi, im windex.

I can't wait for the ipad. i have never really wanted a particular gadget so bad. Not becuase it is new, but because of all the things i can use it for and WILL use it for.

it will become my day planner. I don't care about all the complaints people seem to have for it, i don't need a usb port, i don't need a webcam, and i don't need to to multitask.

so it is perfect for me.

Its mostly perfect for all of us.( most of us) Glad to have you hear!:D
Hello Windex, welcome here ... i think most of us are waiting like you the Ipad ... i think it will be difficult to find a second hand , even when the 3 G will come out , my self for example i will not resell my wifi one :)
welcome......I want my Ipad more than i wanted my MTV......hey apple maybe u can use this as a selling point,....just send me and all my friends a free Ipad
Welcome to the site Windex, glad to have ya.

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