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Have an Ipad, getting another Ipad or Iphone


iPF Noob
Nov 19, 2011
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I have an iPad now (iPad 1) and it is my only i-Device.

I was thinking of getting an iPhone 4s for my wife, but am wondering whether she should register the iPhone under my account, or to create a brand new account?

Could someone tell me the advantages/disadvantages of having separate or fused accounts? Right off the bat I can see that having the same accounts would mean I could share the same purchased apps across both devices. I'm not sure what advantages having two separate accounts would be?

I'm also considering getting the new Ipad3 and the same issue therefore arises.

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks Kaykaykay; that seems to be for the user who wants to keep the ipads the same. Is there any advantage to having separate accounts/Apple IDs?
As far as I know, some people prefer to keep separate accounts for privacy reasons.

I manage my husband's and my iDevices on one account, because that's not a concern.
Can we just share apps but still maintain separate accounts for say emails, SMS or the like? This is also going to be shared with my spouse so it will also be good to know what privacy issues there will be
Can we just share apps but still maintain separate accounts for say emails, SMS or the like? This is also going to be shared with my spouse so it will also be good to know what privacy issues there will be

Not a problem. The only thing my husband and I share are apps and music, even though I manage every iDevice on one iTunes account. Each of our devices has separate cloud, email, etc., accounts. It's not even an issue of privacy for us; I have better things to do than read his email and vice versa.

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