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Google earth problem


iPF Noob
Feb 13, 2010
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Using the New Ipad , Has anyone noticed that the names of towns and places of interest on the google earth are in such a tiny script that it cannot be read, at least not with my eyes. Is there any way to resize the font?
I've not seen any way to adjust, but you might get in touch with developers and ask. Maybe they could add an adjustment feature (unless there's one I don't know about).

With iPad buyers skewing older, it's something worth them considering.

I can read the names fine now, but I hope to get older (beats the alternative) and might end up not being able to read the current type size either.
I should have said my vision is 20/20 for reading . The problem seems to be the retina screen itself , the huge Rez is causing fonts
To be tiny. This must be an unforeseen problem. it is not acceptable . If I use my iPad 1 the same fonts of google earth are of a quite adequate size to read comfortably .
Best way to get changes made is to contact developers. I'd guess that they're working on an upgrade already, but wouldn't hurt to contact then.

They already have the app working on the retina screen on iPhone 4S, for instance, so I doubt it's a big effort. On 4S, the location names are about two point sizes smaller than on iPad 1 and 2, but they read fine to me.
I'm with you, lennywc. I love Google Earth, and the views are beautiful in the new iPads screen. But it looks almost like all the text takes up as many pixels as before, making it what, four times smaller? Too small for me. Very clear, just really small.

Yep, looking at it side by side with my iPad 1 I'll bet that's it. Hopefully It will get tweaked a bit. As Kay3 says a note to the Google Earth folks is in order.
I was using google earth on my new iPad this morning and I too was annoyed by the almost microscopic letter size.If google were to make the font size adjustable in a future update,that would be perfect.
Everyone, there's a Google Earth update. Things seem a little bigger. I can live with it now.
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I know,I downloaded it about an hour ago.The lettering is indeed larger.

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