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Google Calendar sync


iPF Noob
Sep 5, 2010
Reaction score
Is there a way of syncing the pre-installed iPad calendar with Google calendar? I'm sure someone on here will know! Cheers!
To sync Google Calendar

Go to settings>mail,contacts,calendar>add account>other>Add calDEV account

Fill in your google account details and you are done.

In that menu fill in the server as : www(.)google(.)com
I highly recommend the Elminster's solution which I performed myself. Having an Android mobile phone, it's great to have both Calendar and Contacts in full sync. Just don't forget to do the final step at the bottom for 'choosing which calendars to sync' so you can include all of your Google calendars. I have all my favorite NFL calendars from Google on my iPad. And, the best thing is the iPad calendar, even though it isn't that great, can still allow me to toggle on and off the preview of any of my different Google calendars.

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