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Goodday from Junius of Sydney


Tell me a bit about Sydney (and Queenstown) -- Thinking about moving there as a US Expat....

Also, welcome to the site!

BTW! Awesome pictures.
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Welcome aboard :D

If those photos from your link are yours, I love the Dove Lake one and the towers with palm trees.. looks like cool places to visit.

I've never been out of the country but will travel sometime before this lifetime and be sure to see sites like those. :p
Hello Again!

Sorry guys. I haven't been here for some time and obviously missed your messages. I hope I would return more often.

@AbblePC, yes, all the images are by me. Lake Dove in Tasmania is surreal. You have to be there to really feel the cool and PURITY. The palm trees aside the tower was taken in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The tower is of course the Twin Tower. Thanks for the remarks.

I have recently uploaded more images to my gallery. If you have time, grace the site (gallery.theworldtourist.com) and don't hesitate to put your comments. Thumbs up or thumbs down, it's still appreciated.

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