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Favorite News App


iPF Noob
May 18, 2010
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I cannot seem to find a news app I like. USAToday is a nice start, but it doesn't have nearly enough content. And I hate how I accidentally open articles when I'm trying to scroll down the page. Newsy is interesting and shows promise but again, not nearly enough new content each day.

What are you using to scan the major headline stories each morning?
Early Edition RSS Feeder. Unlimited feeds, it downloads them and puts them into newspaper format for you.
I have Pulse set up as my news reading app. Sadly it's just been pulled from the AppStore due to the NYT lawyers but should be back on shortly after a quick fix.

I have it set up to load my favourite papers and websites, and flicking through the articles is joy. Reviews of the app can be found on techcrunch, tuaw and padgadget et al..
Pulse is my default now but it crashes too much. I have 18 feeds which may have something to do with that. Newsrack is less flashy but a solid and stable newsreader.
I assume you're looking at news readers and not RSS readers (although there's overlap). I discovered Newsy for iPad which is an app for newsy.com that combines various video sources on one story and report them in 2-3 minute clips. Not a new reader per se but an interesting way to get the news.
@kargurin I'm very surprised as I've never had it crash and I'm at the max current feeds. Had it from the day it was released and it's probably my most used app at that.

Perhaps a delete and reinstall, or even a redownload from the appstore might help.
I have Pulse and I dont like it. All it is is just a pretty UI with some pics and if you add some RSS feeds that dont have pics all of a sudden its not pretty anymore. I find NewsRack much better and more usable and quick too. With Pulse if you have a slower connection then you have to wait forever.
I have Pulse and I dont like it. All it is is just a pretty UI with some pics and if you add some RSS feeds that dont have pics all of a sudden its not pretty anymore. I find NewsRack much better and more usable and quick too. With Pulse if you have a slower connection then you have to wait forever.
This is the issue with many of the ones like pulse, even including Early Edition. Their advertisement photo, so to speak, shows all these great photos, but aside from a few feeds...most feeds that you add on your own do not show pictures. Gizmodo shows pics, I think Yahoo...but not Foxnews, etc.

There are so many RSS readers out there though, I'm trying to figure out which one I want to switch to. Hell if most of the stories just come up one line, I might as well just have an RSS reader that lists the stories.
I like Pulse because it's simple and a great way to scroll through stories from multiple different sources. I also like that I can choose whether to read the text version of the story or the actual web version.
I have Pulse and I dont like it. All it is is just a pretty UI with some pics and if you add some RSS feeds that dont have pics all of a sudden its not pretty anymore. I find NewsRack much better and more usable and quick too. With Pulse if you have a slower connection then you have to wait forever.
This is the issue with many of the ones like pulse, even including Early Edition. Their advertisement photo, so to speak, shows all these great photos, but aside from a few feeds...most feeds that you add on your own do not show pictures. Gizmodo shows pics, I think Yahoo...but not Foxnews, etc.

There are so many RSS readers out there though, I'm trying to figure out which one I want to switch to. Hell if most of the stories just come up one line, I might as well just have an RSS reader that lists the stories.

Matt check out NewsRack. IMO its the best and simple RSS Reader on the App Store. Works really well and its mighty fast even with a slow connection. I have tried Early Edition Pulse etc and all it is, is that they just look pretty but functionality wise give NewsRack a try. Its better than the other 2.
Heh form vs function and we bought the iPad as it was at the junction between technology and the liberal arts....
Not me, I'd rather have a nice simple RSS rather than something fancy that only supports 20 feeds, or either one of the ones that doesn't do anything but give you two lines of the headlines.

Thanks Nano, I'm going to download it as soon as I finish reading all the updates to my subscriptions.

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