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Emails in deleted folder cant be viewed?


iPF Novice
Jan 26, 2012
Reaction score
Does the ipad condense emails or something once they are sent to the deleted folder? From time to time I get this error:
"This message cannot be displayed because of the way it is formatted. Ask the sender to send it again using a different format or email program. text/plain"

The message viewed fine when it was received?
Does the ipad condense emails or something once they are sent to the deleted folder? From time to time I get this error:
"This message cannot be displayed because of the way it is formatted. Ask the sender to send it again using a different format or email program. text/plain"

The message viewed fine when it was received?

Now, this is just what I think happens...

The iPad is a mirror of what is on the server. The Inbox is the active mirror and it's linked (in some way) to the email server. So, when you move the e-mail to the Trash, you're breaking the link/connection back to the server, so the Mail app can't "find" the e-mail.

Therefore, when I get that message, if I move the e-mail back to the Inbox, it shows up fine.

Again, I really don't know the technical aspects of it. I just know that, so far, every one I've moved to the Inbox after seeing that notice has opened with no further issue. YMMV. :)

thanks, I just tried that but it didnt wok for me, oh well i'll have to do it the old way and log in lol

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