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Apple emails


iPF Noob
I have started getting emails about the iPad - iphone4 and other new apple gadgets.

The sender is news@inside apple.apple.com

The interesting issue to me is that I cannot view the graphics because they have little question marks.

Why would apple not have the ability to send graphics in the format that can be read by iPad...?
I have started getting emails about the iPad - iphone4 and other new apple gadgets.

The sender is news@inside apple.apple.com

The interesting issue to me is that I cannot view the graphics because they have little question marks.

Why would apple not have the ability to send graphics in the format that can be read by iPad...?

I see them fine on mine. How about other than Apple email graphics?
The same thing happens when I get a komando daily update.

All of the pictures have little question marks in them.
News @ InsideApple.Apple.com is an email address used by a Nigerian 419 scam. InsideApple.Apple.com is not an actual Apple subdomain. The email address is being spoofed by the scammers to appear that it is coming from Apple.

Some of the clues are:

1) I don't recall that Apple has used "inner-caps" in displaying its website URL as is InsideApple.Apple.com

2) My particular email had a text formatting problem in the advertising copy. It was missing a space between two words. That's sloppy copy. Apple would never let that get through their quality control.

This web page is about the Nigerian 419 scam and gives an sample email addressed from News @ InsideApple.Apple.com that pretends to be Apple announcing that the recipient has won a huge cash prize from Apple and must contact a phone number or email address to claim it:

www . 419scam.org/emails/2011-08/17/00022508.1.htm

(The email address to contact is a live.com email address - a Microsoft email account! That should be another clue.)

As far as the email I received, I didn't click the "Buy Now" button in the email, so I don't know what it does. It also may be that InsideApple.Apple.com is setting you up. Playing a con game to get you to trust the domain, and then they will hit you with 419 scam of promising you a large sum of money in a prize.

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