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Email acting up


iPF Noob
Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
I have an iPad 1. I use Mail for 3 email accounts, an iCloud acct, an ISP acct , and a personal website acct. lately mail has been acting odd. I delete emails and then they show up again the next time mail updates, but not all of them. It's random. Sometimes it's yesterdays deleted emails , sometimes the emails are a week or even a month old. Where are they even coming from? Is it an iCloud glitch? My mail program is set to save deleted emails for 1 week. Any ideas? Thanks
Have you only recently added one of these accounts or changed any settings?

You could try the first 3 steps when something is amiss.......close your app complete, a restart and/or reset of your iPad.

In the meantime I've moved your thread to our Help Section where you will receive a better response.

When an app behaves strangely it is best to close it completely and then relaunch it. From the home screen do the four finger swipe up or double press the home button to reveal your multi task bar. These are all the apps that you have opened at one time. Long press the app until it jiggles and a red minus sign will appear above it. Press the minus sign, this will close the app, not delete it, now press the home button to return to your screen. It's also a good idea to close all these apps, as it helps the iPad run smoothly

Press and hold the power off button, the one at the top right. You will see a slide appear to power off, slide this and the screen will go dark and a Whirly will appear. When the Whirly disappears your iPad is now off. Press the power button again until the Apple logo appears, this will take a few seconds and your iPad will restart. You should restart your iPad occasionally also as it will keep it running well. Now see if it is operating.

Hold the power off button and the home button simultaneously, keep holding them in and you may see the power off slide appear and disappear, wait until you see the Apple logo appear before releasing the buttons. It will take a little longer for your iPad to start.
I do turn apps off when I'm not using them. I also tried restarting the iPad. So I will try the third suggestion. I suppose that is a reset when you hold down home and power button at the same time.
I did change some settings recently. I set it to delete the emails from the server when it fetched new emails.
Thanks for your response, Guy
I do turn apps off when I'm not using them. I also tried restarting the iPad. So I will try the third suggestion. I suppose that is a reset when you hold down home and power button at the same time.
I did change some settings recently. I set it to delete the emails from the server when it fetched new emails.
Thanks for your response, Guy

Yes that is a reset and you need not worry that it will change anything.....it's much like rebooting a pc.

Did it only begin doing this after you changed your settings?

You will need to check your settings for each of your mail accounts.
Fetch new mail is set to off. All accounts are set to manual. I may have fixed the problem in the iCloud acct. in the advanced settings under mailbox behavior I set it to send deleted mail to trash " on my iPad"instead of choosing a location on the server. I think it was set to send deleted mail to the deleted mail folder on the server. It didn't malfunction since I changed that. it could have been the reset though. I don't know. I changed the setting after the reset but before checking mail.
Thanks again, Guy

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