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Download old APPS...??

Bill In Georgia

iPF Noob
Dec 7, 2010
Reaction score
I have 28 APPS from my pad 1 ... can I download them to my new 3 .. or do I have to buy them again... I can find the 28 on my Itune account, but no indicator how to download..
Yes I have an working internet connection..

On your iPad open the iTunes App, now touch the "purchased" tab.......you should find them all listed there for you to download again to your new device.

The Archangel
Or, if you haven't set up your new iPad yet just connect it to your computer and select restore from backup and use your iPad 1 backup.

The Archangel
When I was setting up my new iPad, I was asked if I wanted to set it up as a new device or an additional device. I chose the latter option and it automatically downloaded all my apps. Only odd thing was that "Crime City HD" lost all my previous settings and I had to start from scratch. Everything else was right where I left it. I did have to set up my WiFi connections and user name and password again, but that was all.

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