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do you keep your ipad with you at all time now


iPF Noob
Mar 28, 2010
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since i gotten rid of the laptop in my life and went to a desktop for surfing the web along with useing it more for other things now ..

so do keep it with you when out away from the desktop at work or at home .has it become a another piece of gear that you keep on you at all times to use when it need like the phone and the credit card ..
since i gotten rid of the laptop in my life and went to a desktop for surfing the web along with useing it more for other things now ..

so do keep it with you when out away from the desktop at work or at home .has it become a another piece of gear that you keep on you at all times to use when it need like the phone and the credit card ..

I take mine with me all the time and treat it like it's a laptop. It is an extra thing to carry around but it's worth it.
Hell, I take mine with me in the shower.

No, not really. Maybe in the bathtub, though :)
It is with me 24/7 because I am a Google junkie. I love looking things up that I don't know the answer for. ie. Watching Dog Whisperer and the Auntie says..."I wonder where he is from". In a matter of seconds I knew more about Dog Whisperer than any one person needs to know.
Carry mine everywhere. I have discovered 2leep.com

When on the road I want to take it out of the car but I am afraid to drop it. I also feel like a showboat so I keep it hidden.
i notice that i trend to carry the unit with me now alot more than i used to carry the laptop when i would take a laptop with me when i was on the road ..now the unit is with me most of the time when iam out away from the house.. ..

after getting dressed and makeing sure the iphone with it three card wallet is in the pocket and the car and house keys that is on a keyring is around the neck on the work id on the cord and next thing i grab beside a light jacket if it need .. the second thing i grab before heading out the door is the sling bag and make sure the ipad and it access are in the bag before going out the door for the day ..

i went to one of those iphone case that has the slot in the rear for credit card and id card unit and it works great slip it into the pants pocket and it works both as a phone and wallet set up ..
I actually do keep it with me in my camera bag...which is with always! I love being able to pass the time like now while I'm at the car wash.
I wish - still waiting.

I think you can go too far, like one of my Facebook "friends" who updated his status and made it clear he was having a "poo" - and no, I don't mean the free iBook.
I found myself on Friday night taking it with me for food shopping in the supermarket.
No - I left it at home. But besides of that my iPad is going with me everytime.
I take mine to work with me everyday, it keeps me entertained while I work. Also allows me to chat without having to use my computer or my phone. I have taken it out to barnes and noble but that's about it, I don't really take it out anywhere else...but I use it everyday for many many hours a day.
Yup. with me all the time.

More than that, I almost always have it out actively using it.
I work in support in IT, and it untethers me from my desk.
When on the road I want to take it out of the car but I am afraid to drop it. I also feel like a showboat so I keep it hidden.

I try to bring mine everywhere i go as well. But I get the "oh, your one of those apple freaks" everywhere I go in public. He'll, I get it from my girlfriend too. Everyone thinks we bought this because it is the next cool thing from apple. Rather than the ipads enormous functionality and convenience factor.

I still bring it but I try to hide it as much as I can.
My messenger bag doesn't leave home without it.
It looks like I'll be with it a lot of the time. I'm finding the software solutions I was looking for to help me do my job.
Mine is with me all the time, I catch then train to work and this is a little over an hours journey, so the Ipad provides an easy to use device to work on. Sometimes typing work documents, other times surfing the net or simply reading.
Funiest experience occurred last week when a young bloke sat beside me and I noted him peering at the device trying to figure out what it was (the Ipad is not officially avail bake in Australia yet) so I advised him that yes, it was the Ipad. He then asked if he could take a photograph of it, so I agreed, next rhino I notice is he is uploading the image to his Facebook account. Ah well I guess for him it was a big moment.

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