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dispaly color all messed up


iPF Noob
May 18, 2012
Reaction score
Hello all, and thanks in advance for any help or advice...<BR>Last night my son dropped my Ipad 2 4.3.3 untethered jailbroken device from about 12 inches onto carpeted floor.&nbsp; I did not see the accident happen so I am going on what he said.&nbsp; Since then the display has been very messed up... I get lines&nbsp; through pictures and colors are off. An example is if there is supposed to be a white background such as on a search page, it comes out blue, light blue. Not too much of a problem but it almost has an old tv feel when looking at movies or videos such as if the color adjustments are out of tune... There is no physical damage to the outside of unit, the screen is clear as is the case. <BR>Any idea if this is a fixable problem? WIll I need to update to get rid of it? ( haven't sone that yet as having problem with memory on home computer to update.)<BR>I have tried to reset it, but it comes out the same. <BR>Once again, thanks for any advice, <BR>Cheers<BR>John
It sounds as if that iPad suffed some damage in the fall and it's hardware-related. Looks as if your best bet is to take it to an Apple Store for a repair estimate or a replacement. Sorry 'bout that.


Edited to Add: Please don't post more than once with the same question or problem. Not only does it fragment the conversation, making it difficult to follow, it's against our rules. So, I've deleted your duplicate post you made on this same issue. Thanks for your understanding.
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Hi Marilyn and thanks for the reply,
I am sorry about the double post, I hit the post button twice by accident as I got an error on internet connection. Won't happen again.
Well, I didn't hit it very hard but YES! It worked.
Placing the iPad upside down on a firm surface and giving a few firm slaps with an open hand also works, with less chance of denting the case.
I've seen this suggestion several time, and I tend to agree that it can work, and in many cases is worth a try.

But I'd like to add a bit of caution.

If you have to do this something is wrong inside the iPad; something loose or poorly connected that shouldn't be. You never know how long this fix will work. Maybe you'll never see the problem again, maybe you'll end up repeating the fix every week, until it no longer works.

So. . . if your iPad is still under warranty I recommend not attempting to fix it. Matter of fact, don't bump it around a lot. You want to be able to go to an Apple Store and be able to demonstrate the issue, and hopefully get a replacement.

I think most people would realize this, but just incase. . .

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