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Cydia not showing installed packages


iPF Noob
Apr 4, 2011
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So, I manually installed a deb file by tossing it into the cydia/autoinstall folder. However if you hold your finger down on it, theres no X to delete the app. Everytime I go into cydia, it errors on me and says "the package needs to be reinstalled, but I can't find an archive for it".

The weird thing is, all my installed packages from cydia work, but none show up in the installed list. Rebooted, no go, still missing.

Any ideas on how I can manually remove an installed deb file preferrably through ifile?
I'd try using iFunBox instead to uninstall so that you get all the locally cached fragments as well. Otherwise, you can remove it using iFile by heading to private/var/stash/applications.xxxx where xxxx represents a unique string for your device
Thanks for the pointer although it didn't resolve my issue. Since we're on 6.1.3 and you can't jailbreak that, how can I reset everything on my ipad without having to use itunes to restore?
I'd give ILEX RAT a try in that case, which will remove all Cydia packages with a single Terminal command. That'll basically be a last resort. But try putting your device into Safe Mode first (assuming you have MobileSubstrate and Safe Mode Substrate installed. One package it comes with is SBSettings), and see if you can view your packages there before using ILEX RAT
Once again thanks for the response. However the odd thing with my cydia is that I can see my sources, but I can't see anything under my searches, installed, or in changes. So I can't install any of the stuff you mentioned that I don't already have due to the issue with whatever I installed.

So that brings me back to square 1 of figuring out how to wipe my ipad without updating to 6.1.3. Can I do it within the ipad with the erase all data? I tried with an iphone once and it didn't quite work out.
I do not sadly, been doing all my internal transferring via ifunbox.
Use you can iFunBox then. I'd give reinstalling Cydia via debian package a try first to see if that fixes the issue. If not, then you'll have to install ILEX RAT via debian package.

Cydia 1.1.8.deb download

ILEX RAT 1.100-107.deb download

OpenSSH .deb download

Then open up iFunBox with your device connected, open up the tree on the left hand side after clicking on the Classic tab on the top, and look for Cydia Auto Install. First drag the Cydia deb in there alone, reboot your device and see if that fixes the issue. Otherwise, do the same for the ILEX RAT deb as well as the OpenSSH deb (you can drop both in together) and again reboot.

Once ILEX RAT and OpenSSH are dropped in, and you've rebooted, SSH should automatically be turned on. If the next step doesn't work, reboot again and it'll be on.

Get your Wifi Data Address. If you have SBSettings, it's the Wi-Fi IP Address, which is normally 192.168.1.X. Otherwise, open up Settings > Wifi > the little blue arrow next to the connected Wifi network, and look for the first line, which is IP Address. Now download PuTTy, run it. For IP Address, enter the one that shows on your device. Then for the little bubbles under it, make sure SSH is filled in (it should be by default). Then connect. A pop-up should come up if it's your first time using PuTTy, say Yes. Then for login as, type in 'root', then press enter. For password, type in 'alpine' then press enter. You're now connected. Type in 'rat' and enter. Type in "1", enter. Type in "N", enter. Type in "Y", enter. Type in "N", enter, then reboot or do a reset
I tried installing the deb files via the autoinstall, but something is getting in the way of any kind of installation. I took a screenshot of the error message trying to install the original file (gameplayer). Maybe the error messages will make sense to you. But I have a feeling unless I edit some sort of list that cydia refers to, I'm stuck with having to reset the device.

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There are a few dependencies required that aren't installed on your device. I'd advise that you install it directly through Cydia instead to make sure that the dependencies are installed as well, as most packages downloaded manually do not include dependencies unless you extract them using utilities like Cyder.
Yea, unfortunately that takes me back to my original problem, I can't see any of my installed packages, can't see anything under the search, and can't see anything in the changes. It's just all blank.
Yea all the deb files you provided have the same problem, cydia just refuses to install them either through auto install or the ifile method. So a more drastic approach will be necessary.

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