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Converting PDF Book into IPad Format

Let me put it this way, I rip the DRM off every book I buy. If someone has a DRM scheme that is hard to do (some Kindle books are "topas" which I have done, but is hard) I get it somewhere else... if there is nowhere else I just go to the torrents.....When I buy something I refuse to ask permission to use it, so I remove all DRM...

You can put all the DRM you want on a book, but if it is a book people want... it will be on the torrents (pirate sites) in a week anyway....

DRM makes DRM companies money. Adobe is one that is in the DRM business....Even Sony uses the Adobe Digital Editions DRM for the ebooks it sells in the Sony store....

And... I like to buy Adobe DRM'd books, because it is one of the easy ones to remove......

It matter not to me what you do... I am just telling you what it is in the real world :)
This is true. DRM can be circumvented. I wouldnt completely despair though - I would guess that the majority of users are not going to go to the lengths that Bremen does.

Its a complex problem. As a consumer, I am also irritated by DRM. I want to be free to take something I have purchased and copy it to any device I want. DRM makes that overly-complicated and ends up punishing the people doing it legally while those stealing seem to hardly be slowed down.

On the other hand, if I had written a book, I would be concerned about people being able to so easily distribute it and me getting paid for my work. Its a balance you as a content producer and possibly your publisher have to find for yourself. Lock it down and annoy your customers while possibly making more sales, or make it customer-friendly knowing that some will abuse your goodwill.

Good luck with your book!
Thank you, Bremen and Pallentx. The information you provided is very helpful. We found Smashwords today and are considering it as a possible outlet for the book.

Frankly, I don't think the book will lend itself to pirating, as it is 228 pages long, and contains hundreds of images - both hand drawn and from Songwriter (although perhaps this isn't an issue).

Since my goal is to share the joy of reading music
with as many people as I can, I am leaning toward trusting people not to abuse the privilege of obtaining the book in PDF format. If they do, they will have to live with it, and it will be my responsibility to forgive them.

When I decide in what direction to go, I will make another post. In the meantime, thank you for saving me the expense of investing in purported (but useless) protection devices - and for wishing me well with the book!

Just curious if the subject of interactive PDFs has been discussed. I'm trying to create a rich experience without necessarily developing an app. Any advice?
Goodreader on the iPad reads PDF's great... Don't know exactly what you mean by "interactive" but links and such work fine in Goodreader.....

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