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Converting PDF Book into IPad Format


iPF Noob
Converting PDF book into IPad format
Hi everyone:
I wrote a book on how to read music. I have the book in both PDF and doc format. Attempts to convert the PDF into an IPad friendly format through Calibre failed. When the book was successfully translated as a doc (again, through Calibre), the music images shrunk and the page footers disappeared.

Does anyone know how to accomplish this task? It is critical for my book to appear as written; otherwise, when one puts the IPad on one's music stand, the music images will be too small.

Thank you so much for any help you might provide.
What hopkins said.... also look at my answer on the exact same post you posted in the introductions forum....
I have the best luck if I convert PDFs to HTML first. Adobe has a free online converter for that--just Google Adobe PDF HTML converter.

After I have it as HTML, I use Calibre to convert to ePub.

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