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Control DSLR wired with ipad


iPF Noob
Nov 11, 2011
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I cannot find an app that would allow me to control a DSLR through USB or HDMI! I find this a bit strange, because the android market has even more than one. So please no wifi based solutions. I am a nature photographer.
Does somebody know an app that operates a DSLR. Aperture, exposure, shutterspeed, focus control, live view etc?
I went to the app store and searched for DSLR, I got several hits. Might try that
Yes, ofcourse i did that, checking the app store. All you find there are systems that need a pc as a bridge between iPad and camera. Besides, you need a wifi network. Are there no nature photographers on this forum. There is no wifi out there in the field. I just want to connect my iPad with a cable to my camera and CONTROL it, just like with this android app:


Does somebody know if something like this is being developped?
Nothing I've been able to find.

Hold in mind there is no USB port on the iPad, and the CCK (Camera Connection Kit) which supplies one (sort of) has limited current, and iOS supports very limited USB function.

I can not think of any practical solution at this time; though I admit I am only a casual amateur. There may be solutions that have slid under my radar.
Many thanks for your research.

I have been walking in that shop for days, not being able to decide what to buy: an iPad or Android tablet, especially because of the limited connectivity of the first.
I should have listened to them who warned me that sooner or later i will painfully feel the restrictions and totally (technically) unneccessary limitations of the iPad.

It is the same uglyly strategic marketing structure as with Nikon, where in the new D4, they have developped a very nice tool in cooperation with Apple. The ability to control the D4 with an iPad. BUT YOU NEED A COMPUTER AND WIFI!!!!!
I guess this is also why they do not bring the app that i want on the market, because then they can ditch that expensive wifi adapter..etc...etc.. Also not bringing bleutooth in the new dslr's shows the same evil minded developments opposing technical progress.

Now many of you will start defending apple. But it's not apple but many of those big guys who are afraid not to earn enough by just selling the great inventions they do. They found out that they can earn as much by denying us great, often simple and inexpensive, possibilities.

Going to dump the ipad and buy me a decent unlimited android tablet.
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Buy the right tool for the job, by all means.

I'm just going to ignore the rant, in an obvious I'm ignoring your rant way. ;)
Buy an Android tablet. It's really that simple.
Buy the right tool for the job, by all means.

I'm just going to ignore the rant, in an obvious I'm ignoring your rant way. ;)

He, nothing personal here. I would be happy if you came up with some arguments that undermine my bombastic statements.
He, nothing personal here. I would be happy if you came up with some arguments that undermine my bombastic statements.

Nah. I used to love a good argument when I was younger. Now I quickly tire of them. Besides, it is rarely an effective way to change a person's mind. No reason to change yours. The iPad is obviously not suited for what you want to do. And as for the rant, well you obviously know you ranted. Good enough for me. If there is anything in it that you could be argued out of you'll do it on your own eventually.

Be cautious in your choice of Android tablets. The app you mentioned said it would not work with all devices. Like the iPad, some of those tablets will not be suitable for your needs. You may even have to accept that you need a laptop, or maybe one of the newer ultrabook devices.

Good luck, and most of all have fun.
Thanks for that and good health to you yoo.
Having had a lot of fun with my ipad, i more and more come along its limitations. I feel more and more tempted to the jailbreak option.
I've actually been looking for the same thing. Has their been any progress made, or does Android devices seem to be the only way to go?
I've seen one called camranger. Looks like it makes it's WiFi from the camera to iPad.

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