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Contacts . .


iPF Noob
Mar 19, 2012
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I'm entering data into the "Contacts" app. Can't find a way to group my contacts. With other apps I could segregate entries by groups such as Family, Friends, CoWorkers, Venders, Doctors, Restaurants, et cetera. Can that be done with my iPad Contacts app? If so, how?
pkmccrary said:
I'm entering data into the "Contacts" app. Can't find a way to group my contacts. With other apps I could segregate entries by groups such as Family, Friends, CoWorkers, Venders, Doctors, Restaurants, et cetera. Can that be done with my iPad Contacts app? If so, how?

I have a bit of a work-around for this. Immediately under where i enter the name, where it says company, I enter the group name eg, church, Neighbours etc. if I want to see all the group in one place, I use the search function to search for the group name and get a list which I can then use to send emails too, get their phone numbers etc. not perfect, but it works for me.
I tried that, but when I start a search I am not offered a choice of 1st name, last name, or company name. How is that done?
As an example, let's say I have 100 contacts. 20 are church contacts, so under their names in their contacts entry in the company line, I enter 'church'. If I want to find someone in this church group, I only need to enter 'church' in the contacts search box, and all entries in that group appear in a list. Some contacts belong to more than one group, eg, church and neighbour. As long as I have both group search terms listed in the contacts info, they will show up in the search. You don't need to search specifically for a company name, just the name of the group. Sorry if I am misunderstanding what it is you are trying to do.
Jockscrap said:
As an example, let's say I have 100 contacts. 20 are church contacts, so under their names in their contacts entry in the company line, I enter 'church'. If I want to find someone in this church group, I only need to enter 'church' in the contacts search box, and all entries in that group appear in a list. Some contacts belong to more than one group, eg, church and neighbour. As long as I have both group search terms listed in the contacts info, they will show up in the search. You don't need to search specifically for a company name, just the name of the group. Sorry if I am misunderstanding what it is you are trying to do.

It's probably simpler than I expected. I was looking for a choice: search contact by company name; or search contact by last name; or search contact by first name. I'll try it just as you suggest.
I use abcontacts from the app store. You can set a group then click on the group and have various ways to message, email, SMS,etc. I love,it

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