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contacting a developer


iPF Noob
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
Merritt Island FL USA
I am trying to contact Yllier who is the listed as the developer fo the ScreenDimmer tweak. I have sent him numerous emails, but no reply. I have tried contacting him through his Cydia entry for the app with no luck.

Does anyone know how I might be able to reach him?
Lots of developers have a twitter account that is quicker. Is it listed on the app page?
I will double check and try and find it. Problem is I need to sign up for a twitter account which I have been avoiding.


He hasn't tweeted since the middle of February, but at that point he was announcing a move to Princeton and would be very busy with a few projects for a while. You may need to be patient for a while longer...
If there are any developers out there that would be willing to develop a custom app for me I woul like to hear from them at my email address. My name is Barry and I own the domain "the-Gordons.net" so my email address should be obvious.

The developer can retain rights to the app, and I will pay a reasonable fee.

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