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Can't find purchased app in my itunes


iPF Noob
Mar 21, 2012
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Hi everyone,

I got my ipad 2 last year for my 30th birthday and it's great! I've went a bit crazy downloading all the apps I could when I first got it, but now i've restrained myself to apps I actually use! I've deleted apps I no longer use, so I know how to do it...

I've got one problem though. How can you delete an app if you can't see it it your itunes?! I can't find the app 'ifavorite pro' ANYWHERE in my itunes! It's on my ipad and I can delete it from there, but when I connect my itunes to my pc it reinstalls on my ipad... But I still can't find it in itunes! It's not listed anywhere in my apps section, and I can't find it using the search...

Any ideas?!

Press and hold the app icon until it wiggels.then press the cross to delete it

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