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Can you get back data from a deleted app??


iPF Noob
Feb 18, 2012
Reaction score
My daughter accidentally deleted pocket frogs off m iPad. Is there anyway of retrieving all the data??
Hi Beq - welcome to the forum! :)

Apps on the iPad are as they say 'sandboxed', i.e. the application & its data are self-contained and once deleted from the iPad cannot be recovered from that device; now if the app was synced to your computer and is updated, perhaps you can restored it your iPad?

Will look forward to others 'chiming in' on this question - likely a comment issue - good luck!
Yes, i also agreed with the giradman views. If app was synced with your computer than only you can retrieve all the data.
My daughter accidentally deleted pocket frogs off m iPad. Is there anyway of retrieving all the data??
As a safeguard against this happening again, go to Settings>General>Restrictions>Deleting Apps and make sure the switch is slid to the left (turned off). Then, as long as she doesn't have your restrictions password, she can't delete any apps.

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