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Can I view Photos stored on a NAS?


iPF Noob
May 8, 2011
Reaction score
Barry, South Wales
I've bought myself and my sister an iPad2 each, and they are great, what I'm after though, is advice on whether I can view photographs that I have stored on my NAS drive. My setup at home is two Windows 7 computers and a Buffalo NAS. I can use FileBrowser and that works, and I can successfully access the share on the NAS drive, but it doesnt show the pictures in thumbnail format.

Anyone out there suggest anything I could use?
Still not quite what I'm after. I mean Filebrowser does do (sort of) what I want, and I have tried remote desktops but I was kinda looking for an iPad app that was like the built in "Photo" but with connectivity to other locations.
Thanks for the responses so far though

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