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Calendar search


iPF Noob
Apr 14, 2011
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I understand that I can only search back one year in the calendar. But I wonder why if I go to ( view ) a calendar page from, say, 9 months ago, shouldn't it search back one year from that date? I know a 2009 calendar entry is there, but it won't find it for me.
Are you syncing with another calendar, and in Settings >> Mail, Contacts, Calendars, how far back do you have it set to sync?
I am searching the calendar in iPad, but don't see a setting ( in iPad ) for how far back to sync. Do you mean a setting on my PC before I sync? From my PC, I'm syncing from an Outlook calendar to iPad. In the iPad calendar, I am on a date in 2009 , searching for a name earlier that year, but it won't find the name which is there when I go to that exact date ( I just want it to work! )
in the Setting app, select Mail, Contacts, Calendars and scroll all the way to the bottom. There is a group of settings for the Calendar. One of them says Sync, and will set how far back the Calendar will retain events when syncing with a server.

It may or may not effect the calendar if it is local only, but it's worth a try.
In my iPad 2's "Mail, Contacts, Calendars" settings, there isn't a "Sync" setting at the bottom of the list, only Invitations & time zone settings. I will look at the PC settings in my iTunes Library.....
Sadly, there is no fix for this. I reported this 1 year search issue to Apple way back in May of last year and it astounds me that a simple issue like this is completely ignored.
It is almost like this subject is taboo around Apple. It is the reason I still need to carry my PALM PDA around with my Iphone and Ipad.
The spotluight search feature is so powerful that is seems wsted that it cannot be used on the calendar.

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