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Searching calendar on iPad 2


iPF Noob
I have found that the search function on my Ipad 2 calendar only retreives events within the past 12 months. For medical patient privacy reasons I do not back-up to iCloud. Rather, I back-up locally to Outlook on my PC. I have 10+ years of events saved to my iPad. I transferred all of these events from my Palm device to Outlook and then from Outlook to the iPad. The same goes for Spotlight Search...only events from the past year. I have had the iPad 2 for 6 months and the calendar search only goes back one year from the current date. Is this universal....unique to my device? Is there a solution? Much thanks.
The data is there (provided you have set Calendar to sync All Events) , but as you've said the search only goes back 12 months. If you've been syncing the iPad to Outlook then all the events should be there and you should be able to search there.

While you can't search for events older than a year you can go back as as you like using the List view, or any of the other views.

Syncing with iCloud would not have helped, since the Calendar app at icloud.com does not have a search function.

No, I don't know why the limitation exists.

Apple - iPad - Feedback
I, too, have the same issue. I need to be able to look my mom's total medical history. Any suggestions as how to adjust this would be greatly appreciated.
At this time there is no way to adjust how far back the Calendar app will search (to the best of my knowledge).

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