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Bluetooth Headsets for Skpe on I-Pad


iPF Noob
I am a new user so I apologise if I am in the wrong firum.

I bought a pair of Rocket bluethooth headphones fom Best Buy during a recent business trip to the US.
I asked and was assured that they would work with Skype on the I-Pad.

That turned out not to be the case. Does anyone know how to make them work with Skype on I-Pad and if not can anyone tell me what/if there are any sets out there which do work with Skype on I-Pad
Can these headsets work with skype

Will both the microphone and headset work?

I tried a current motorala 680 and it did not work for me.
Just looked at the specs on Motorola's website and it did not mention it so it will not work with iPad. I guess the new Plantronics Voyager Pro Plus has it and will work.
I know a lot of the Blue Ants are fully functional. Check the specs as Mary has said. Very important to have A2DP!
Not working...yet

I just bought the plantronics Pro plus (based on the above posts and other reviews). I installed skype (the iphone version) and paired the headset to my ipad. So far i cant get the audio to come through the headset.

Am i missing a config setting somewhere or perhaps running the wrong version?
Any help would be very...uh...helpful!
Also can anyone else confirm that this setup has worked for them?
I have a Jawbone Icon that I was able to pair with my Ipad and almost everything works even audio from the Ipod icon. When I start Skype, I get the start up greeting that Skype gives through the Jawbone and when someone calls me, I even hear it ring through the Jawbone. If I try to answer the Skype call by pressing the answer button on the Jawbone, it gives me the talk time remaining while I can still hear the ringing. When I press answer call on the Ipad for Skype, then all of the adio and voice for Skype is through the Ipad and not the jawbone. Does anyone know how to get the Jawbone to work as the headset to talk on Skype so that it is not on speaker on the Ipad?
Can someone PLEASE say DEFINITIVELY which brand and model A2DP bluetooth headset will WORK NORMALLY with Skype on the iPAD. If NONE, please state DEFINITIVELY. I'm getting mad at Apple for this shenanigans.
I have searched high and low. My RocketFish set has A2DP protocol but it does not work with Skype on the I-Pad. They work with the I-Pad for music and all other options, but not Skype.
Do you know whether the Plantronics works with Skype on the iPad?


I tried the Plantronics Voyager Pro+ and it didn't work. It linked to iPad easily but skype ignored it completely.

Tomorrow i am going to buy the Plantronics Discovery 975. Will post results. Not very hopeful though.

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