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Bible app in Afrikaans


iPF Noob
Feb 15, 2012
Reaction score
I'm looking for an Afrikaans bible app. I'm from South Africa and now living in the USA and just can't find one. How can I get one please?
Search vir Olive Tree. Ek sien op hulle site dat hulle beide die 1953 ou vertaling, asook die 1983 nuwe vertaling het. I can PM you the link if you'd like. I havent tried or used it myself yet, so if you do decide to get it, I'd love to hear your comments/review.
Landlord said:
Search vir Olive Tree. Ek sien op hulle site dat hulle beide die 1953 ou vertaling, asook die 1983 nuwe vertaling het. I can PM you the link if you'd like. I havent tried or used it myself yet, so if you do decide to get it, I'd love to hear your comments/review.

Thank you SO very much! Baie dankie! If I do get what I'm looking for, i'll let you know about any comments.
Get the jwbible app. It has your language and about 40 others and it'd free.
Get the jwbible app. It has your language and about 40 others and it'd free.

I think that might be a Jehovahs Witness version (hence the JW). @Paulman1, I'm going to buy the Olive Tree one tomorrow and will report back here to let you know.
Paulman1' I've bought the 1983 version (nuwe vertaling) in Olive Tree Bible+. It works perfect. Jy sal baie happy wees.
Thanx everyone for responding. Baie dankie!

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