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Best APPS for my iPad


iPF Noob
Apr 6, 2012
Reaction score
Please be so kind and direct me to your recommended apps for the iPad, and say if these are FREE or not. I am keen to install some useful applications that would bring the most out of the little white miracle. Thanks in advance.

Well, first tell us your location, as a lot of tv/movie apps are specific to this, second, give us at least a hint to your tastes and what you'd like to get out of it.

There are zillions of apps, all subjective and to personal tastes. Help us out here :)
Well, apps are purely subjective, so what is useful for me may not be so good for you. However, here are the ones I cannot do without.


Tiger Woods PGA 12


BBC News
Reuters News
sjleworthy said:
Well, first tell us your location, as a lot of tv/movie apps are specific to this, second, give us at least a hint to your tastes and what you'd like to get out of it.

There are zillions of apps, all subjective and to personal tastes. Help us out here :)

Yay! And thank you so much for your help so far. I am in South Africa. More About Me: http://about.me/metameerkat.. and my tastes are eclectic. Apps related to productivity and international news, as well as strategy games... creativity and music. I have a specific challenge at the moment that I cannot find the popular 'Draw Something' to download in the App Store :(
KevinJS said:
Well, apps are purely subjective, so what is useful for me may not be so good for you. However, here are the ones I cannot do without.


Tiger Woods PGA 12


BBC News
Reuters News

Thank you so much!
QuickOffice, lite is free -pro is paid, will let you use Microsoft Office documents. I like Zite for news, but Currents, Editions, Sky Grid, and Flipboard also offer good news choices in different layouts. AppHits is also good for checking what's on sale or has gone free. All are American, so I hope you have them available.

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