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At&t Hotspot


iPF Noob
Mar 14, 2010
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Middle of the Pacific
Is there any documentation that says the iPad wifi only version will not work for free at the At&t hotspot locations, ie. Starbucks?
Even if I have the 3G iPad, but do not have the service activated, how will the hotspot know it is an iPad. I know I can walk into a Sbux with my iPhone, and it automatically connects to the wifi.
It doesnt matter with WiFi what device you have, as long as you can access it and know credentials for logging onto it, unless its open as most places like Barnes and Noble McDonalds etc are now.

As far as the iPad and being on an AT&T specific WiFi like Wayport access, they know based on your NMD or SIM if you have an iPhone or iPad 3G or other AT&T mobile device.

Your question is open ended... WiFi is just that, nothing to do with AT&T unless its a secured network and you need an account, that is when AT&T would come in or whomever else owns the HotSpot. If you dont have credentials in the form of an account or username pass for that network, then you dont connect without pre paying most likely, however as I stated earlier most are open.

The iPad WiFi only unit to a hotspot, without having any 3G sim, looks to the hotspot like any other WiFi device. Even though AT&T gives free access to all iPhone users on any Wayport hotspot, the wifi only version of iPad will still look like a regular device. The hotspot, if running a web log in interface or other type of web based served applet, can look at your browser and see if its mobile safari or whatever else and serve that type of welcome page.

Not sure any of this answers you exactly, but I hope it helps. :confused:
I've tried to use my iPad at my local Starbucks, but haven't had any luck. The iphone works fine, but I get a login page on the ipad, and I'm not sure what to type for the login/password. I've tried my AT&T account info (phone # & password), but that doesn't work at all.

My understanding is that the 3G versions will have a specific ID number that identifies it and allows free access to AT&T hotspots.
Most locations are like hotels. You are suppose to be a paying customer to get on their wifi net. Some stores will issue a logon key with the receipt. I also know lot of them don't bother to lock the wifi. I have often gone to a McDonalds and my wife will be working on line before I get back with the ticket. It just depends on various factors. Usually it is when the location finds a bunch of people taking up room and not buying, they lock it down.
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As far as Starbucks go, Yes, i'm using Safari, but i'm not sure what its looking for in regards to login/password.

All the local McDonalds in my Area are open. No need for a login screen at all. I've been able to use the iPad and the Iphone with no issues.

I guess Starbucks is only allowing non login for the iPhone, and are requiring you have a 'Starbucks' card for any other device.
I've tried to use my iPad at my local Starbucks, but haven't had any luck. The iphone works fine, but I get a login page on the ipad, and I'm not sure what to type for the login/password. I've tried my AT&T account info (phone # & password), but that doesn't work at all.


You need a login and password from your starbucks card. It's not free, like the iPhone. If it is a 3G iPad, then it would be free.
Thanks for the heads up, i'll look into the Starbucks card thing. Where are folks getting the info that it will be FREE with the 3G iPad? I haven't seen that documented anywhere, and purchasing the 3G iPad doesn't mean you need to actually purchase 3g coverage from AT&T. I wonder if the FREE wifi from Starbucks on the 3G model will be contingent on having one of the AT&T 3G coverage plans.
Thanks for the heads up, i'll look into the Starbucks card thing. Where are folks getting the info that it will be FREE with the 3G iPad? I haven't seen that documented anywhere, and purchasing the 3G iPad doesn't mean you need to actually purchase 3g coverage from AT&T. I wonder if the FREE wifi from Starbucks on the 3G model will be contingent on having one of the AT&T 3G coverage plans.

I think so... Read the top paragraph, Apple - iPad - Stay connected everywhere you go.
Don't know if wifi will work at SBux without a 3G plan.
I just spoke to AT&T via phone. here is what I was told:

1. Starbucks FREE unlimited wifi is for the iPhone only.
2. AT&T advised I purchase & register a $5.00 Starbucks card.
3. This will allow me 2 free hours per day.
4. Additional hours must be purchased.
5. McDonalds/Barnes & Noble have no restrictions, unlimited for all AT&T devices.
6. Starbucks wifi is NOT free on the 3G iPad unless you purchase ANY 3G plan.
I use mine at Starbucks all the time with no issues. Are you opening Safari and logging in through that?

So, KronicKaos, how are you using your iPad at Starbucks with no issues? Are you in fact logging in with a registered Starbucks card?


And with AT&T data plans, you’ll have access to over 20,000 Wi-Fi hotspots, including Starbucks, Barnes and Noble, and more.

I think this says everything.
So, bottom line, if you subscribe to a data plan with the 3G you get free AT&T hotspot usage.

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