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Apple's Senior VP of Designs, Johnathan Ive says, "Best is Yet to Come" from Apple


Editor in Chief
Jul 27, 2011
Reaction score

Although the late Steve Jobs was undoubtedly one of the primary forces behind the success of Apple, it's sometimes easy to forget that in order to get to that point, Jobs was wise enough to surround himself with other smart and creative people, and that each of those folks brought something to the team that helped Apple thrive. A good example of this is Johnathan Ive, the Senior Vice President of Industrial Design at Apple. In an interview recently with the UK publication, The Telegraph, he shared that when it comes to great designs from Apple, the best is yet to come. The Telegraph's interviewer, Shane Richmond, asked Sir Ive which of his designs he will most likely be remembered for. The British designer, (who is scheduled to be knighted on Wednesday in London - which probably already happened by now), responded with, “It’s a really tough one. A lot does seem to come back to the fact that what we’re working on now feels like the most important and the best work we’ve done, and so it would be what we’re working on right now, which of course I can’t tell you about.”

Imagining the possibilities in his statement certainly is exciting. Right now there are several rumored new devices coming from Apple that should take things to a whole new level. Here's a reminder of what may be coming soon from the Cupertino crew:
  • A smaller version of the iPad tablet
  • A thinner MacBook Pro
  • A high-definition television
  • A redesigned iPhone that will launch this fall
What do you guys think? Could the best get any better? I wouldn't be surprised... ;)

Source: BGR
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^^ Indeed! You are correct sir. He was knighted today I suppose. I will correct it. Thanks. ;)
I wish! I would love to become a knight! That would be the coolest thing ever! :D
dgstorm said:
I wish! I would love to become a knight! That would be the coolest thing ever! :D

That would be the coolest thing ever, I'm moving to England and my daughter is excited, she hopes she can marry a prince lol. I'm Fleur newest MOD dgstorm
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Of course, you don't need a title their Gabe! You are the 5-star General of Angels!
That would be the coolest thing ever, I'm moving to England and my daughter is excited, she hopes she can marry a prince lol. I'm Fleur newest MOD dgstorm

Nice to have you Lady Fleur! Since I must have missed this in the welcome post area... Welcome aboard! We are lucky to have you, and I am jealous that you are moving to ye olde Britannia! Congratz!

(in case any of you guys caught that strange glitch... I accidentally clicked on "edit post" instead of "reply with quote," and then responded to her post within her own post. Doh! LOL. I fixed it though.)
dgstorm said:
Nice to have you Lady Fleur! Since I must have missed this in the welcome post area... Welcome aboard! We are lucky to have you, and I am jealous that you are moving to ye olde Britannia! Congratz!

My kids and I are very excited for this chapter. Thank you!
I like the sounds of Sir dgstorm, Sir Gabriel1 and Lady Fleur!

Very noble these titles are!
skimonkey said:
I like the sounds of Sir dgstorm, Sir Gabriel1 and Lady Fleur!

Very noble these titles are!

Don't forget Lady Ski..I can picture us all in period costumes sitting around a table with our iPads
I like the sounds of Sir dgstorm, Sir Gabriel1 and Lady Fleur!

Very noble these titles are!

Yes. Those sound pretty cool, but I like the sound of Super-skimonkey even better! :)
Lol. If so, then mine is too! I have fond memories of D&D in multiple forms throughout the years...

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