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Apple sucks

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iPF Noob
Feb 23, 2010
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I have both the iPhone (3GS) and iPad and I will NEVER buy another Apple product........ Give me Microsoft any day!
The IRS sucks and I still send them a check every year. Che cose chi voi fa.
You should keep giving apple your money so you can complain about them more.....
I have both the iPhone (3GS) and iPad and I will NEVER buy another Apple product........ Give me Microsoft any day!

Considering you did not provide information about the issue you have with Apple or products your post has no bearing on any thing. If you provided us with details regarding your issues maybe we could help resolve it for you .
If you feel Microsoft is better for you then do what you have to do but considering you have purchased 2 products already it's an expensive move for you.
I guess you are pretty stupid for buying 2 Apple products....since you didnt like the first one. What kind of Moron would do that?:D
Sounds like this person lives under bridges. When anyone buys a product, they are making a judgement based on what research they have done, about how the product will work for them. If you buy an iPad, there is no lack of truthful information about its capabilities, issues, and value. The same with an iPhone. If you buy one and it does not do what you want, then you cannot blame Apple. Anyone that blames Apple for them wasting their money, deserves what they get. It is like buying a Mazda 3 and then blaming them that it cannot haul a family of six on long trips. Or buying a lamp and not being aware that it uses a special bulb only found in Tazmania.
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