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Apple Store 3G Reservation Policy

Sonny Burnett

iPF Noob
Mar 7, 2010
Reaction score
Boston, MA
Tried to get a 3G today. The genius told me that they were taking reservations and would call in 2 to 4 days. Store location : Legacy Place - Dedham, MA

Anyone else had a similar experience?
Tried to get a 3G today. The genius told me that they were taking reservations and would call in 2 to 4 days. Store location : Legacy Place - Dedham, MA

Anyone else had a similar experience?

Yep, put my reservation down at the Apple store in Manhattan Beach, CA, got an e-mail confirming my reservation. This was done on Sunday, three days later, no call or e-mail yet. I'm in no rush so I don't care if it takes a month. With my work schedule running to past midnight and two little kids, I'm not sure when I would be able to enjoy it.
I originally called and was put on a list at a store in the Chicago burbs, but I ended up getting a 64g wifi and buying a router for my 3g USB modem from work.

They told me I can get on the list and have 24hrs from when I get my email to pick it up.
They told me 150 people on reserve, only get 60 or so at a time, not sure when they are getting em. Went to Apple.com, and ordered there. Should be here next week.

May 1, 2010 at 03:17 PM PDT - Order number W69999199

Ships: 5 - 7 business days
Delivers: May 11 - May 15
Friend at work ordered a 64G 3G yesterday and she got an email this morning telling her iPad was ready to pick it up at the Roseville Apple Store...
I bought one off of the online store instead. Don't have time to go back to legacy place for a while.
I bought one off of the online store instead. Don't have time to go back to legacy place for a while.

I ordered one from the online store too - it is in Memphis finally - it was in Hong Kong for awhile and I was hitting reload obsessively - they say it should be delivered by Monday - but I am hoping for quicker - hey a girl can hope can't she ...:eek:
I bought one off of the online store instead. Don't have time to go back to legacy place for a while.

I ordered one from the online store too - it is in Memphis finally - it was in Hong Kong for awhile and I was hitting reload obsessively - they say it should be delivered by Monday - but I am hoping for quicker - hey a girl can hope can't she ...:eek:
What day did you place your order? And if you don't mind me asking, your order number? I ordered a 3G 16GB on the 1st. Still waiting to ship. You can see my details above in my 1st post.
Ordered mine from the Apple store on May 2nd and says it should be delivered May 11-15. I checked Best Buy first but they didn't have any of the 3Gs.
Went on the list on 5/2 at the Apple store in the Biltmore, PHoenix. Still nothing, but I'm hopeful something comes by the weekend.
I ordered one from the online store too - it is in Memphis finally - it was in Hong Kong for awhile and I was hitting reload obsessively - they say it should be delivered by Monday - but I am hoping for quicker - hey a girl can hope can't she ...:eek:
What day did you place your order? And if you don't mind me asking, your order number? I ordered a 3G 16GB on the 1st. Still waiting to ship. You can see my details above in my 1st post.

I ordered it on 4/28 -- it made it up to my general area - now to see if it will get here before Monday - since I could walk to where it is by then (it is about an hour and a half from me it by car it says)

Just checked status again (have been a little obsessive about it in fact today) and it is OUT FOR DELIVERY!!! Whooo Hoooo
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I think mine said between May 14th and 17th.

I think that I can live without it until then.
I ordered one from the online store too - it is in Memphis finally - it was in Hong Kong for awhile and I was hitting reload obsessively - they say it should be delivered by Monday - but I am hoping for quicker - hey a girl can hope can't she ...:eek:
What day did you place your order? And if you don't mind me asking, your order number? I ordered a 3G 16GB on the 1st. Still waiting to ship. You can see my details above in my 1st post.

I ordered it on 4/28 -- it made it up to my general area - now to see if it will get here before Monday - since I could walk to where it is by then (it is about an hour and a half from me it by car it says)

Just checked status again (have been a little obsessive about it in fact today) and it is OUT FOR DELIVERY!!! Whooo Hoooo
Congrats. Hopefully this means mine will begin shipping any day now.

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